Friday, January 06, 2006


I keep telling myself to plan a trip to Leeds to visit Chin Li and Kit when I was in the UK. Unfortunately, I never made that trip and they actually moved to Northampton which is closer to Egham. Yay! Managed to drop by their place a couple of times and went to Milton Keynes as well to look for a chinese grocery shop and also to have a look at the big big shopping centre there. Basically, in MK, the whole town revolves around the shopping centre. It is basically their town. Ohh.... guess what? They had a photo taking and autograph signing for some not so famous celebrities. I saw the guy that plays R2-D2 in Star Wars!! Kenny something!! Haha! Cheap thrill! Also saw the young boy that played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies. Didn't get an autographed picture though. Was very tempted though....

I love tulips.

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