Monday, January 16, 2006

Cutie pies

I think I need to improve my photo-taking skills... some of the photos here are not really doing justice to the subjects. In my opinion, these are the cutest kids in Hartford. My colleague Angie invited me over to their house and also took me to the chinese grocer yesterday. Here's a picture of her family. Its Kiera and Andersen, Jeff and Angie.

Kiera is a sweetie with an inquisitive mind. She asks a lot of questions and talks a lot. She is very loving and enjoys meeting new people. She was sitting in the baby seat of my trolley and helped me with my shopping. After a while, she got down and helped me push the trolley as well.
Little Andersen is only 1 year old. He can feed himself already and is already so gorgeous. This little boy is going to break many hearts in the future!

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