Friday, November 21, 2008


I have just started reading the books so I have to say I haven't really connected to the characters just yet.
I watched the midnight show of Twilight last night. The cinema was packed with teenage girls. Just shout Edward! and the whole cinema will scream along with you.
They started off with the brand new Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince trailer and this caused the whole cinema to go into a frenzy. I could barely hear anything in the trailer because everyone was screaming.
That was just the start of it.
Throughout the whole show.... screaming again.
When the credits were rolling, screaming again.
I don't think I was ever this annoying when I was a teenager. Hmm, I think I am getting old.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Free internet!

I was actually pleasantly surprised to find free internet at DFW. This being my 3rd year in the US, I have resigned to the fact that you always have to pay for internet at the airport (except Vegas - I love Vegas). So t-mobile, take that! Neptune networks rocks!
I have also came to the conclusion that I am addicted to the Internet and checking my emails.