Friday, January 06, 2006

The Louvre

Ohhh... This museum is just huge! You definitely can't finish everything in 1 day. After a while, you just get really exhausted and probably won't appreciate much of it anymore. So remember, pace yourself and look at the famous stuff first so you can leisurely browse around later. Haha! As usual, when everyone get their tickets, the first thing they would do is to rush to the see the Mona Lisa. It used to be in a small room but now they have already moved it to a bigger room. There are guards around and you have to line up to see the painting. The line moved pretty orderly. I was quite surprised! If anyone spend too much time at the front, they will ask you to move along.
You can't use flash photography here. I just simply took a shot. It is a bit blur because I was sandwiched between quite a few people so I couldn't really take a really stable shot. Oh well... I think we spent about half a day here. I like looking at paintings more than some of the other stuff. The relics and stuff don't really interest me as much but still nice to have a look too. Hmm, wonder whether I should get a painting of myself done.... Sounds a bit extravagant huh....

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