Thursday, November 30, 2006

Interested to earn some money?

When Jenny, Maxine, Chee Onn and myself were walking around the Yale campus in New Haven, we walked into one of the colleges and saw loads of advertisements being posted up to subject yourself to certain experimentation and get MONEY for it as well. I guess if you are too lazy to work to help support your studies, you can just submit yourself to one of these things:

Look at this! Even if you are depressed, you can get money for it! Let's say the session lasts for 1 hour, after an hour, you are $30 richer. Cheaper than going to a psychiatrist but not sure whether this will actually help you or drive you to commit suicide.
Hmmm... as if I need some more things to feed my hypochondraic tendencies. If I get a brain scan, I will most probably start seeing tumours everywhere in the scan. It looks like they only want people who are having problems "eating and sleeping". I think I am qualified. Sometimes I have a problem controlling what I eat at night and then I cannot sleep because I am too full. Kakakakaka!!
You can even make money on past traumatic experiences... I wonder how they decide on the amount to give you.
1. Got your handbag snatched - $40?
2. Husband smacked you around a bit - $100?
3. Step-father raped you - $200?
How do you put a figure on it?

Ohhh!! This is the highest! With this, I'll have enough to pay for my apartment rent, cable, high-speed internet and my lovely TiVo!! Woo hoo!!

Hahaha! Female smokers earn more than male smokers. I guess this is economics of scale for you - demand and supply. More supply, value goes down... More demand, value goes up.

Ok... no money for this but... ASIAN IDOL!! WOO HOO! I would LOVE to see the auditions for this...

1 comment:

jigsaw said...

hahaha...this is one funny post!