Look at this! Even if you are depressed, you can get money for it! Let's say the session lasts for 1 hour, after an hour, you are $30 richer. Cheaper than going to a psychiatrist but not sure whether this will actually help you or drive you to commit suicide.
Hmmm... as if I need some more things to feed my hypochondraic tendencies. If I get a brain scan, I will most probably start seeing tumours everywhere in the scan. It looks like they only want people who are having problems "eating and sleeping". I think I am qualified. Sometimes I have a problem controlling what I eat at night and then I cannot sleep because I am too full. Kakakakaka!!
You can even make money on past traumatic experiences... I wonder how they decide on the amount to give you.
1. Got your handbag snatched - $40?
2. Husband smacked you around a bit - $100?
3. Step-father raped you - $200?
How do you put a figure on it?
Ohhh!! This is the highest! With this, I'll have enough to pay for my apartment rent, cable, high-speed internet and my lovely TiVo!! Woo hoo!!