My birthday is coming up and I was just thinking about how I spent my year. I felt that my year felt pretty much the same but when I think about all the things that happened, I guess it was another year of growth.
My highlights:
I permed my hair
Never thought that I would do something like that but it helped when trying to grow it out. Probably the easiest hairstyle I have had in a long time.
Yosemite and Rachel's visit
It was a beautiful place and it was just so amazing to catch up with a beautiful and wonderful friend. I would definitely go there again in a heartbeat. We also had loads of fun in LA and Rach's Dallas and Chicago visit. Come back soon Rach!
My first cruise - the Carnival Ecstasy
We were supposed to have one stop at Cozumel, Mexico but ended up being a cruise to nowhere due to a huge hurricane-like storm in Houston. Our drive to Galveston was treacherous and we even had to stop on the side of the road because we couldn't see anything. The cruise was fantastic though, fabulous company, lots of racous laughter, superb food and just good old fun.
Managed to catch Bon Jovi twice in the same year and amazing performances by the Eagles, Dixie Chicks, Keith Urban and Kid Rock too! Didn't get to go for the U2 concert due to Bono's back injury. Maybe this year!
Straightened my hair
So I spent $100 to perm my hair and then $150 to straighten it back. Moral of the story, don't mess about with your hair! I have to say that I am liking the long bob.
Twilight - Eclipse and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 1
My highlights:
Korean curls |
Never thought that I would do something like that but it helped when trying to grow it out. Probably the easiest hairstyle I have had in a long time.
Yosemite - May 2010 |
It was a beautiful place and it was just so amazing to catch up with a beautiful and wonderful friend. I would definitely go there again in a heartbeat. We also had loads of fun in LA and Rach's Dallas and Chicago visit. Come back soon Rach!
The Carnival Ecstasy - July 2010 |
We were supposed to have one stop at Cozumel, Mexico but ended up being a cruise to nowhere due to a huge hurricane-like storm in Houston. Our drive to Galveston was treacherous and we even had to stop on the side of the road because we couldn't see anything. The cruise was fantastic though, fabulous company, lots of racous laughter, superb food and just good old fun.
At Soldier Field, Chicago |
Managed to catch Bon Jovi twice in the same year and amazing performances by the Eagles, Dixie Chicks, Keith Urban and Kid Rock too! Didn't get to go for the U2 concert due to Bono's back injury. Maybe this year!
New bob |
So I spent $100 to perm my hair and then $150 to straighten it back. Moral of the story, don't mess about with your hair! I have to say that I am liking the long bob.
Team Jacob shirts |
As per tradition, Steph and I got our Twilight t-shirts and our Harry Potter gear for the movies. The acting in Twilight got from bad to worse - however, the movie itself was at least better than the first two. I did not fall asleep this time! Also, we appeared on Fox news the next morning as the fans that watched the midnight movie on opening night.
Griffindor scarfs |
The long anticipated Harry Potter movie was excellent. I just love the books so even if the movie is not as good as the books, it still transports me to the wonderful world of wizardry. Only one more movie to go. What will Steph and I obsess over next?
My first time in NOLA and it was fabulous. Good company, good food and just good fun. Walking along Bourbon street with 'hand grenades' and daiquiris and 'working' for beads. We managed to get loads of beads with out flashing our assets. Haha... pretty ingenious.
Surgery in MN |
Had a Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy surgery plus a radio frequency ablation of the inferior turbinates (basically sinus surgery) in Minnesota. For any adult planning to take out your tonsils, just remember, it hurts like hell. Make sure you keep your throat moist at all times and eat about a half hour after drinking the painkillers because that is when it gets a little numb. Don't forget to eat and remember that the real pain only comes when it starts healing. It takes 10-14 days to heal and don't be a hero like me and start work only after 4 days.
Fire Cupping |
Fire Cupping
It was wonderful to go back home for 3 weeks in December to see family. Got to see how adorable the niece and nephew was becoming. I do miss being part of their lives. So my mum suggested an interesting massage place when I was back home. It was like a traditional chinese massage that hurts a lot and some adjustments were also done to the back. In addition to that, he can do 'fire cupping' on your back to increase blood circulation. It looks a little scary because it leaves marks on your back for a week but it really didn't hurt much. I might have to do it again when I go back.
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Walking on water |
Winter in Minnesota
I always like the cold. No sunshine and humidity for this girl. This year however, I'm pretty sure I got too much cold and snow that I actually looked forward to some heat. It was so cold over there that Lake Calhoun was totally frozen - 2 feet deep. I could easily walk onto the lake. Locals were doing ice sailing where they have a little contraption that slides over the ice and use the sails to steer - able to go up to 60 mph. Very cool. MN also introduced me to the largest mall in America - The Mall of America.
On the downside, it was the first time I got stuck in a ditch in a total white-out snowstorm. The car wouldn't move, you cannot see anything in front of you. Everything is white and you have no idea where you are. Luckily I was not alone and managed to bribe someone for us to hitchhike back to the hotel and deal with the trauma later.
Chicago |
So Chicago has been my home now for 2 years now. Time flies. I think I have only scratched the surface on the things to do in Chicago. I will still be looking for more things to do and more food to discover. My happiest finds has to be Sun Wah BBQ for the amazing duck there and Go 4 Food which has HK-style dishes. Yum!
Florida - Miami, Islamorada and Key West
This trip definitely deserves a mention as it came right after a very stressful project. It was much needed and was super relaxing. I nearly 'got eaten by a shark' in a swimming pool ;), swam with the dolphins, rode a trike, went snorkeling, swimming, had a massage, ate lots of good food, saw a fabulous sunset in the Keys and just had a bloody good time. Also, got shit-faced drunk on the last day that I could barely stagger back to the hotel. It has been years since I was that drunk. Haha...
Other updates
I still watch a lot of TV series so I am still an addict - no change there! I worked too hard this year and I think it is time for me to re-prioritize what I want in my life. I am blessed with the most amazing friends and even though I don't see you all the time, I do think about you and miss you. My most inspirational yoga teacher - Vincent Tam passed away this year and I dedicated one ashtanga practice to him. RIP Vincent.
Things to look forward to
Oh boy, I guess there is no limit. I have so many things to look forward to this year - a new relationship, new friends, new project, new experiences. Yay me!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! man, you had a fantastic year. worked hard, played hard. and umm, going to gchat you abt that last bit :)
Happy birthday Hsiu Pin! come back for Xmas la :-)
vous fashion.thank pour le partage
Happy Birthday!
Anyway, I am now thinking twice about perming my hair because I just had my hair straightened two months back and I'm really itching to have it permed.
What a blast of a year you had! May you have more adventures this year :)Following you and you could follow back too!
All the best,
Great! that fire cupping looks really interesting wanna try it.
buy rift account
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