As it was constantly raining, they cancelled the changing of the guards and they marched on back to where they came from. Ah well... 

Besides marching around, they also stand around. Poor sods... It must suck to have to stand like that in the rain and cold.
I tried it too... But at least I was smart enough to stand inside the booth and out of the rain! Go me!
Just in case you were wondering, I did NOT get arrested in London. Maybe next time...
This is my typical "British person" pose - equipped with an umbrella, jacket, scarf and stepping out of a phone booth... Actually, who uses the phone booth anymore? Everyone has a mobile phone!

Here's old Big Ben... It is actually the great bell of the clock but people usually extend it to refer to the clock or clock tower itself. 

We walked pass Westminster Abbey too and Kevin helpfully pointed out that Princess Diana's funeral was held here.

So... I don't think I look that much older, do I? Do I???