Monday, November 30, 2009

New Moon

Ok, even though I was traumatised the last time I watched a movie about the Twilight saga, I gave it another chance and went for another midnight premiere of New Moon. My theory was "If you can't beat them, join them". This time I bought a Team Jacob t-shirt because let's face it... he is wayyyyy hotter than Edward.

Good news: I did not fall asleep this time.
Bad news: I still think it is crap.
Biggest disappointment: No new Harry Potter trailer shown.

The crowd seems a little bit older this time around so I guess the fans are getting older. There was still some screaming but I think it was probably more restrained compared to last year.

Verdict: Only watch it if you are a fan.


Jan said...

I have some friends in their forties that are into it! Go figure?

Darcey saw it, but liked the book better.

Me? Still haven't read any of the books, or seen either film. lol

Cheers! :)

Hsiu Pin said...

Hahaha... it does seem to be such a phenomenon! I only go for the half naked guys...