Saturday, February 10, 2007

I bawled like a baby

I didn't think it would affect me very much. After all, I resigned myself to be in the US for a year and after going through multitudes of challenges and some tough times, I was ready to go home. I looked through my blog and I see how much I have done and how I have changed as a person. I don't usually like recording down bad times so most of my entries are all about the good times I had here. It is a bitter-sweet feeling leaving this place as it was home for me in 2006.

I told myself that I wouldn't cry. That didn't happen. When I was leaving the office, all it took was a hug from Angie and the flood gate opened. I have been on so many projects but I think this is the first time I actually cried when leaving one. It all feels so surreal. I guess it just hasn't sunk in yet that I won't be driving into work on Monday. I already miss everyone in the office. My lunchtime walks with Angie, my snaking time with Kiran, "bee talk" with Mark, Starbucks at 3 pm with everyone and even John's administrative work. In addition to this, I am going to miss my saviour and friend Jenny. She is the reason why I look so horrible at the airport with my red eyes and nose.

Till the next adventure... I guess I will survive...

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